SMART Recovery

Abstinence and long-term sobriety is a real possibility with honest and authentic support.


Addictive behaviors present in many forms and can have devastating effects on individuals, families and communities.

Substance abuse, including alcohol or prescription medications, or process addictions such gambling, shopping or love can all be helped through the Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) based SMART Recovery approach.  

Self-Management And Recovery Training (SMART) is an evidence-based approach to changing addictive behavior patterns using empowerment to encourage change. 

It is an abstinence-oriented approach to understanding self-destructive behaviors and learning techniques to help inspire and develop real change. 

The SMART philosophy shies away from labels of “alcoholic” or “addict”.   This skills and mindfulness-based approach to recovery can be a wonderful companion to therapy and 12-step work.  The techniques taught in SMART Recovery can be applied to any area where there is a desired change in behavior.

SMART emphasizes a 4-Point Program, focusing four primary sets of skills.

  • Building and maintaining motivation for change

  • Coping with urges to engage in destructive behaviors

  • Managing thoughts, feelings and behaviors effectively without addictive patterns

  • Living a balanced, positive and healthy life


When you are ready to begin your journey of recovery, we will focus on understanding the motives and goals that may have reinforced unhealthy patterns over time, as well as what short and long term goals you presently have.  We will explore the beliefs that leave you feeling stuck in your unhealthy behaviors, and help you identify, examine, and modify your beliefs about yourself, your problems, and how to change.  You will learn how to reduce emotional vulnerability that drives addictive behaviors and better cope with emotional problems in order to increase self-acceptance. We will also target specific behaviors that must change and how to increase pleasurable activities that support a healthy and happy life.  


To learn more about SMART Recovery or find a local meeting, please visit: