DBT Protocols for Prolonged Exposure Therapy for the Treatment of PTSD
The philosophy driving DBT-PE is that traumatic responses are maintained and reinforced over time due to consistent avoidance of potential reminders, both internal and external, of their traumas and the beliefs a person has come to accept about themselves and the world as a result of their traumatic experiences. These are both addressed during the treatment process.
The second is Imaginal exposure. Imaginal exposure and processing involves actively revisiting traumatic memories and retelling them out loud. We will also process the thoughts and emotions that are elicited during this process with the intention of gaining new perspective on the events of the memory. This is process is very effective at decreasing the intensity of trauma related reactions.
Sessions are 90 minutes and they ranges from 8-13 sessions for completion.
For more information on the DBT-PE protocols, please visit: